Traveling to Israel!

June 05, 2014  •  4 Comments


So as the title states, I'm leaving for my next big trip, and longest direct flight yet, to Israel very soon!

It's been almost a year since I last left the country for my month long trip to Paris last summer!
While in Israel, I'll be seeing just about the whole country and constantly on the move so I'm trying to balance between what I need and what I want so I can be lightweight and mobile, and not end up lugging something around that I never end up using..which wouldn't be the first time for me :P

My gear!My gear selection for my trip to Israel!
So above you can see what, at the moment, I'm planning to be my photo kit. Consisting of my Canon 60D, my 18-135mm lens, my 50mm lens and my 70-200mm lens, as well as my carbon fiber tripod, 580EXII flash (debating bringing 2) and my backpack bag with tripod holster and laptop compartment.

It's never easy cutting the fat with gear, since you can always dream up some crazy scenario where if you had brought that one thing, you would have gotten that shot that you couldn't otherwise, or so I tell myself. But these I feel are the bare bones of my needs, and coupled with a little creativity, ingenuity and perseverance, I think I'll have more than enough than I need!

As far as updates while in Israel, I'm not sure what internet availability will be like and how much time I'll have, or if I'll even have my laptop with me, but I hope to be able to share some images and such while I'm on the go over there, and if you'd like to follow along, the best places to keep up with me are my Facebook Fanpage or follow my personal Facebook Account, and also my Instagram will probably see some updates! You can also find me on Tumblr that I'm playing with a bit at the moment, but plan to post a lot more on in the near future!

Lastly, I'm planning to start writing more consistently and frequently, I'm looking to start posting 3 times a week, Monday, Wednesday and Friday, as my last attempt at daily posts just wasn't working for me. 

So until Monday, have a great weekend!

Sean Gold


Earl cox(non-registered)
Sean, when I said "shoot through" wax paper I obviously meant shoot the FLASH through the wax paper! I just re-read my comment and I didn't want you to think I was completely nuts!
Earl Cox(non-registered)
BTW, I notice your flash doesn't have a reflector/diffuser. I always carry a pad or a roll of wax paper with me. Wax paper is a great reflector if you want soft light. You can also shoot thru wax paper to soften the light (and if you carry a small razor blade, taped on one side, you can scrape off some of the wax to adjust the over translucency of the paper). This technique is especially useful when shooting at night in organic or ambient lighting. Just a thought.
Earl Cox(non-registered)
Sean, I wouldn't worry about leaving some piece of equipment behind. You have a 60D (a terrific camera), a great set of lenses, and, of course, a good tripod. As everyone knows, its the photographer that counts, not the equipment. And as anyone who's been to your website also knows, you have more than ample talent to take outstanding pictures with, I would bet, even the simplest of cameras (let alone a 60D). Have fun and bring us back pictures that reveal the soul of you subjects and the spirit of that ancient land!
Have a GREAT trip! Of all the places I've been, and second only to a safari, Israel was amazing. So different. From climate and geography to people to so rich! I will be "stalking" you as you exciting!
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