Beauty/Fashion Portrait Shoot with Ashley Price

April 21, 2013  •  Leave a Comment


So this will be the start to my new ambition of blogging often and consistently of what's happening in my life behind the shutter. So this shoot was conceived as an absolute test with a new lighting system and setup that I've never used before, with just a hopeful vision in mind as to what it may produce. Luckily, the lovely Ashley Price was game to be my test subject, even with the chance of utter failure. (Maybe not utter, but you get the idea)

My main vision for this shoot was beauty type headshots and perhaps a few fashion type 3/4 shots and then experimenting with whatever else to see what worked and what didn't while we had the chance. So she showed up pretty much on time with her suitcase of clothes, accessories, and who knows what else, but it was rather heavy, and I knew this was going to be fun. So we got everything inside and got things setup and then began firing off the test shots so we could both get a feel for the setup. Luckily, Ashley is an amazing model so I didn't have to focus much on coaching her and was able to focus mainly on my lighting, which was a huge relief.


After the first few shots were taken and the settings were solid and consistent I could start to see that my predictions were pretty accurate and that the lighting and setup was amazing for the headshots and great for 3/4's but not so much for full bodies, as expected, but as in life, and especially photography, you never know what you're going to get until you try.


We hammered on, look after look, outfit after outfit, pose after pose, with the occasional goofy face to keep things fresh and loose. And after about half way through, I couldn't wait to get rid of her so I could process these images and see them really come to life as I had imagined them, since we had already got some amazing exposures much sooner than I expected. But then I remembered I had soccer after anyways and wouldn't be processing till that night regardless, so we turned up the house music and kept on shooting.

It finally got close to the time for my soccer game, plus the "talent" hadn't been fed and started feeling the effects of that so it seemed like a good time to call it a wrap and transfer the images over to have a quick peak at what we created. We both glared at the screen in excitement as the images were better than I think either of us expected, to be honest.


So to wrap up this story and my first blog post, everything turned out better than expected (As things often seem to do) but only because of the effort and planning put in by both parties. It doesn't matter how good you are at something, you can't do it all yourself, you need a good balance of responsibilities and good communication with your team, regardless if it's a team of 2 or 20.


So on that note, I'd just like to thank Ashley for being a great person to work with, not to mention a very talented model and aspiring make up artist, of which she did all her own styling, outfits, and makeup, by herself.

So thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed what you read and saw and if there's any comments or advice feel free to let me know what you think !

Until next time,

Sean Gold, signing off.




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