Explosions in the Sky

July 05, 2013  •  1 Comment

I'll start off by hoping everyone had a great 4th of July yesterday ! Mine was great, except for the mosquitos which I'll get into soon enough. 

I had planned to go into Boston, but once I started reading the reports of the random security scans and them not allowing backpacks in public areas, I was bothered by that idea so I chose not to go and support that behavior. For I believe in the words of Benjamin Franklin when he said "They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." But I digress.

So going in at night for the fireworks was still an option, but was it the one I wanted to choose ? Because I also had the idea of hiking a small local mountain, Horn Pond Mountain in Woburn, with a great view of Boston in the distance, and try to get some interesting shots from there. I decided to be lazy and skip the efforts of going into Boston, and made preparations for my night time hike, which included layers of bug spray (which did absolutely nothing).

Bags were packed, equipment was checked and it was off to the trail ! I got up there about 10 minutes early, and I could already see the massive amounts of mosquitos everywhere and contemplated if I wanted to stick it out for the whole 30 minutes. But once the fireworks started going off and I was shooting, it didn't matter.

So after the fireworks ended, I packed up my gear, took my flashlight out, and began my descent, away from the swarms of mosquitos. Even though I put about 3 layers of bug spray on, I must have gotten at least 10 bites. Who said photography is easy ?


4th of July fireworks over Boston.

                                                                                                 Order a print of this photo


Katherine Cremin(non-registered)
I have been paying attention to your photography and how enhanced your skills have become at bringing stills' to life. You have an inept talent and I hope you continue to pursue what is clearly your passion.

Your photos have literally taken my breath away.

May the powers that be keep enforcing you Sean Gold.
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